The groove patterns are crucial to the success of any given friction material. There are groove patterns that meet the unique needs of all applications. Large amounts of time evaluating & testing were spent on assigning the optimum groove patterns for each specific application which is based on the oil flow needed for optimum performance. The groove patterns perform three major functions first they help eliminate noise such as squealing, secondly they remove the oil film on the surface of the plates & thirdly they keep the surface of the friction material supplied with oil to assist in dissipating energy into the ambient surroundings during engagement, which also helps dispel heat from the plates. The rate at which this happens depends upon the grooving pattern & the applications parameters. Our wide range of integrally moulded groove patterns allows our parts to provide high energy, low wear, unparalleled durability, and competitive friction levels compared to other materials.
2 Pass Multi Parllel
Multiple pass patterns are compromises between spiral and radial and offer some oil flow restriction without increasing drag too much.
3 Pass Multi Parllel
Multiple pass patterns are compromises between spiral and radial and offer some oil flow restriction without increasing drag too much.
Concentric grooving patterns, normally used in sump-type applications. The concentric pattern gives controlled oil flow through the grooves but will give high viscous drag.
Radial grooving may be used in either wet or dry applications, depending on the specific design requirements.
Radial & Wagon
Radial grooving may be used in either wet or dry applications, depending on the specific design requirements.
Wagon grooving may be used in either wet or dry applications, depending on the specific design requirements.
Spiral & Radial
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Spiral & Wagon
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Spiral, Wagon & Radial
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Sunburst pattern is suitable for applications in which sufficient oil is available. It facilitates high oil flow and quickly disperses heat whilst minimizing viscous drag.
Waffle grooving may be used in wet (with oil) applications in which there is limited oil available due to the design of the brake or clutch.
Spiral grooving patterns are normally used in sump-type applications. The spiral pattern gives controlled oil flow through the grooves but will give high viscous drag.